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“The help Tracy has given me as a parent I can never ever forget, I can honestly say she has helped me in ways I’d never be able to repay, so for that I just want to say a massive thank you. Tracy and Home-Start have been amazing from start to finish, and I’m going to be lost without our weekly calls.”

A mum supported by Home-Start

Building Futures

A short film made for Home-Start Trafford Salford and Wigan highlighting the impact Home-Start has on three families, and with the help of corporate engagement, the charity could help even more families needing support.

School Readiness

Watch our short documentary – School Readiness

Telling Their Stories – The Podcasts

In 2015, the four Greater Manchester Home-Starts embarked on a project that highlighted the journey’s that Home-Start families went on with their volunteers.Told through their own eyes, ‘Telling Their Stories’ comprised of a short documentary and a series of photo essays.

In 2018, ‘Telling Their Stories’ has been re-visited, four brave and inspiring Home-Start families have shared their own journeys through a series of podcasts. Told in their own words, Paul, Anita and Nafisa give an insight into life in 2018, living in Greater Manchester. From raising three children as a single dad, through to the experiences of being an asylum seeker, dealing with poor mental health and coping with domestic abuse.

Each podcast tells the story of individual resilience, overcoming adversity and importantly the role that Home-Start and their volunteers have played in changing that family’s life for the better.

Paul’s Story
“I felt like I was drowning, so I Googled support for single dads and Home-Start was the service I chose”

Anita’s Story
“As an Asylum Seeker you lose all control of your own life”

Nafisa’s Story
“When you work in professional services it’s really tough to ask for help when you need it yourself”

Telling Their Stories – Short Documentary

Telling Their Stories – Photo Essays

3 photo essays showing the difference our volunteers make to families across Greater Manchester.

Click Here to see the Photo Essays